Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Let me preface this story with a short explanation: at my office, I am the computer expert, the "techie geek." For all of you who know me well enough to know how clueless I am with a computer, this should seem like a laughably inaccurate label. But I'm a big fish in a small pond, and these people know considerably less about computers than I do.

So it is with this in mind that my supervisor, Susie, came to ask with computer help today. She had a picture that she wanted to set as her computer wallpaper. I thought it was funny that she didn't know how to do it herself, but I went ahead and did it.

But then it turned out that WASN'T the funny part. The funny part is that once it was done, her screen looked exactly the same-- because her desktop was completely covered with folders, files, documents, and other detritus. I guess I'm enough of a techie geek to know you have to be anal about keeping your desktop clean!


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