Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

I just rediscovered something so cool... my uncle's old leather jacket.

It's really big on me (ridiculous looking, actually) but it's perfectly worn, and it poufs out in an 80's kind of way and cups my butt at the back. It's by Agnés B., which is a totally hip French label, and my uncle bought it when he was living in the Netherlands. He gave it to me about five months ago, kind of for nostalgia more than anything else. He said it doesn't fit his style anymore, and since he had it when I visited him in Holland when I was four he thought I might remember it and like to keep it. I guess it's my souvenir from my only trip (so far) to Europe.

But I'm wearing it out tonight since it's so devastatingly cool! And all my other coats are so predictable. Tailored jean jacket: perfect for casual drinks, but ho hum for going out. Powder blue Mac: puhleeze. velvet suit jacket... almost. But this is better.

I was going to replace the lining, since it's kind of worn and the pocket has a hole... but I like it better this way. It's more honest. And I don't want to get rid of the "Agnés B. homme" label. ;o)


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