Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

I'm done being "better" than tourists. It was fun for a while... I loved to laugh about how they wait in long lines for the cable car when they could just hop on, wait-free, at the next stop. And it is always amusing to see a long line of cargo-shorted early birds waiting to be seated for brunch at a restaurant whose only distinguishing feature is a sticker on the window that says "Zagat rated." But the truth of it is, I know I must be one of these yokels when I travel. I was thinking about it the other day... I mused that if one day I went to Seattle, I'd want to see the original Starbucks. I realized that it's probably a huge tourist spot, but whatever. The only people who are never tourists are people who never leave their own city, and that is far more dull than going somewhere else and doing all the touristy things. The touristy things are popular for a reason; they may be cliche, but they're interesting and often of historical significance. (Note: I am not referring to the original Starbucks when I speak of historical significance, so don't flame me.)

Anyway, I hate being a snob. I'm not very good at it. :o)


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