Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

This is about jellie sandals, not granny panties

I first saw you on aisle seven
Funny, how your location matched my size

I had the opaque blue, and clear too
but not the sparkly pink.
Nobody had sparkly pink!
I think you were my first obsession.

I slipped you on, a dream
and for a month or two we were as one
but fun play frayed your edges
and little cracks formed in your surface.

As with Puff I lost you one day,
but in the recesses of my closet
you remained, along with my sweat and love
Are you still there now?

I saw a big-girl version of you, my beloveds
just the other day.
The large proportions rendered your flimsy material
too delicate to wear.
However, the same sparkly pink called me back,
and the novelty saddened me.
Don't come back.
Instead stay here
in my hazy, cotton candy memories.

P.S. This is about jellie sandals, not granny panties