Fly Me to the Moon...
If Sinatra were alive, he could definitely afford a trip around the moon. For $100 million, you can buy your very own lunar mission. Read this.
No thank you! I have no desire to be all claustrophobic and weighless and scared for my life just to see the moon a little closer. It's cool, but what's the point? Is Earth not good enough for some people? I admit it's getting a little small, but it we need to start voting people off the island then I'm not paying a ton of money to go look at a cold atmosphereless dustball. My little Voyage to Mars earlier this week was more than enough.
Yes, I went to Mars with a bunch of my dear classmates. It only costs $1000 per voyage, and we fit about 20 people comfortably, so that's a mere $50 per person of wasted taxpayer money spent to treat us like sixth graders. Although we haven't yet earmarked the time, there's a spot in the lobby for our own collage of Crayolaed "Thank You" cards. The really cool thing about the Voyage to Mars is that I did it back at Space Camp. In sixth grade. The exact same one, I'm pretty sure. The only difference, I guess, would be the addition of jokes such as "Mars Control, please set the probe for Uranus." Also, we got to name the spacecraft anything we wanted (the sole source of autonomy in the entire flight). We chose the SS Feldt, because our classmate Brent Feldt was down with the flu and cough cough couldn't make it to Mars. It made for one good joke that we didn't get tired of: "Mars control, we have gotten Feldt up." "Roger that, it's great to see you get Feldt up."
No thank you! I have no desire to be all claustrophobic and weighless and scared for my life just to see the moon a little closer. It's cool, but what's the point? Is Earth not good enough for some people? I admit it's getting a little small, but it we need to start voting people off the island then I'm not paying a ton of money to go look at a cold atmosphereless dustball. My little Voyage to Mars earlier this week was more than enough.
Yes, I went to Mars with a bunch of my dear classmates. It only costs $1000 per voyage, and we fit about 20 people comfortably, so that's a mere $50 per person of wasted taxpayer money spent to treat us like sixth graders. Although we haven't yet earmarked the time, there's a spot in the lobby for our own collage of Crayolaed "Thank You" cards. The really cool thing about the Voyage to Mars is that I did it back at Space Camp. In sixth grade. The exact same one, I'm pretty sure. The only difference, I guess, would be the addition of jokes such as "Mars Control, please set the probe for Uranus." Also, we got to name the spacecraft anything we wanted (the sole source of autonomy in the entire flight). We chose the SS Feldt, because our classmate Brent Feldt was down with the flu and cough cough couldn't make it to Mars. It made for one good joke that we didn't get tired of: "Mars control, we have gotten Feldt up." "Roger that, it's great to see you get Feldt up."
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I. Love. Your. Blog (and you, but I think that goes without saying). -A-Ral (hey, like the sea!)
At 4:20 AM,
Alli said…
Lyssie-- At the risk of being too nostalgic, do you remember anything else from Space Camp? The rides we did in the hot Alabama sun, our visors were green for the Earth team, and Bob (the chick) was our counselor? We made up a mean song about her. The neighborhood girl, Alisha I think? Those weird bunk beds? As fun as it was, Marin Headlands will always eclipse it in my memories of sixth grade field trips.
And I love your blog more, as it's about genuinely cool stuff and not dramatized daily life, but I can't comment on its splendor because it's :o(
At 7:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I remember I tried grits in the cafeteria because my mom made me promise to. I remember you, me, and Allison Friedman in a "pod" together... I remember I got a top bunk and I think Allison was below me. Yeah, we were really mean to Alicia. Totally didn't remember our visor color but now that you mention it, I do.
I find that my memories of DPM-related stuff usually focus more on who I was mad at or who was mad at me rather than actual events, so I try not to think about them too much.
Yeah, shit, I should have gotten a guestbook. It's a little late now though.
It is 5:15 a.m. in Bucharest and I've just spent the last 9 hours sleeping fitfully on a bus, so I'm going to go take care a'bidness. Have a thooper day!
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