Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My 24th birthday is coming up. I'm excited, because I've always had this vague feeling that age 24 would be great, a fun year to remember. Why? I don't know, but I'm usually more right about these things that just in a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of way. With about 18 good years of introspection under my belt, I've come up with plenty of reasons to believe age 24=good times:

1. 24 is divisible by a lot of numbers. 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24. No other nearby age can top that.

2. My Mom had me when she was 24. I don't see myself following in her footsteps or anything, and in fact if I did I think that would make this a pretty tricky year. But still, her 24th year was a good year for ME, so maybe my own 24th year will be cool too in a genetic passdown kind of way.

3. 24 is the number of hours in a day.

4. 24 oz is the biggest iced Americano you can get at Starbucks.

Okay, yes, this is ridiculous. But anyway, I'm turning 24.


  • At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a woman is at her most delicious at 24


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