I'm still sick. Sense of smell is still MIA. But did this keep me from doing a triathlon today? Hell no!
I actually wanted to bail in the worst way. My case of pneumonia-bronchitis-pleuritis just won't go away (although I did start taking random antibiotics, which may cure me or may create a multidrug resistant super bug). But once I realized that neither my race fee ($60) nor my wetsuit rental ($25) was refundable, I got cheap and decided I wanted to race, goddamnit! Besides, even if I just did really crappy I had a great excuse-- "I've got the black lung! Cough Cough."
It's funny-- besides not being able to breathe through my nose on the swim, and not being able to breathe at all on the run, the race wasn't that bad. It wasn't until the drive home that I began to feel that maybe, maybe, a triathlon isn't what my immune system needed. First I got a croupy cough, and then a fever... and the only prescription was more cowbell! Unfortunately, I had no cowbell. I stopped and got an Americano instead.
Now that I'm home, I'm dreaming of all the training I want to do, and the cool goodies I want to buy before CaliMan Half: a new wheelset, aerobars, and a wetsuit... But not yet. First I have to overcome my tuberculosis.
At 8:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Buna ziua! I hope you feel better soon. Love, Alyssa
At 12:54 PM,
Alli said…
Good zoo to you, too! Check it out hon, you're in my new post. Good luck in your new town!
Love Alli
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