Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Friday, September 12, 2003

I'm starting to recoup some of my losses. The other day I was waiting for the bus and I asked some passersby if they had change for $1. The new bus fare is $1.25 and I needed a quarter. So this guy roots around in his pocket and produces 5o cents, but his friends don't have any change. So I figure the bus is going to cost me $1.75 this time... but he refuses my dollar, so in a weird turn of events I got 50 cents from a perfect stranger. Another time waiting for the bus, also this week, I got a mini acupressure treatment from this eccentric but nice guy. He 'zapped' my back with this zapper thing that kind of alarmed me, but was quite therapeutic. So I'm not sure if I've gotten back my $2 yet but I bet I'm close.

Today is the best day. I just went to Starbucks to grab my coffee and it's really beautiful outside... warm and sunny, but not oppressive. Just like at the beach. Walking down Divisadero in my sunglasses and flipflops and my little summery outfit just felt so good. It reminded me of an all-time favorite song of mine.

You're a summertime hottie with her socks in the air
Screaming I don't care, baby I don't care


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