Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Monday, March 15, 2004

I can't stand how provincial and self-absorbed the SF Chronicle is. Last Friday, the front page of every other newspaper on the country had coverage of the Spain bombings... as they should have. The Comical's big story? Gays right to marry halted by California's Supreme court. That would have been an okay front page story... if a worldwide disater hadn't occurred that requires our attention. I'm sorry, but an Al Qaida bombing is a little more important than gay marriage.


Another quirky SF rambling...

In SF the cool thing to do is have a dog as an accessory. Apparently people are feeling too guilty (or emburdened) by the baby accessory trend of a few years back. So now you get yourself a pricey purebred pooch, name him something clever, keep him in your apartment all week, and bring the poor mutt out on the weekends to a highly visible park to impress other people.

That's kind of what I do with Misty. She stays in my room all week long, serving no other purpose besides looking attractive. She was expensive, and she has an award winning pedigree. On Sundays I take her to the South Bay and play all day, and when it's all over I clean her up and put her back in my room for another week. I don't really feel to guilty about this though, because she's aluminum.

The really cool thing to do is to take your puppy for walks in the middle of the day, wearing a Juicy Couture sweatsuit, which advertises your lack of a job (most likely because you have a rich boyfriend/husband and don't need to work anymore). Bonus points if you do this in Pac Heights. Obviously, I can't take Misty out on weekday afternoons... and probably never will. Damn my work ethic!


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