No more IM

I thought I had it rough in high school when they took away our lockers. I guess the argument was that students might be hiding drugs in them thar lockers, and if you remove the lockers, students won't do drugs anymore! Then Columbine happened, and if our lockers hadn't already been hauled away they would have been history after that. Now, the newest in anti-teen technology: the see-thru backpack.
Now, my back is wrecked from not having a locker in high school. That's not a myth, that's a fact. It would be more accurate to say that the combination of trying to be "cool" and wear the backpack over one shoulder, while ignoring the reality that I was carrying around heavy huge textbooks for my inescapably uncool accelerated learning classes,
caused my back problems. But hey, who's counting? What matters is that I can see no way that teens can juggle both in school today if see through bags are required. Either you blow a disc or get beat up daily for wheeling around this monstrosity.
How sad is this bag? It looks like it's going to fall apart the second Mommy drops you off at the curb. Ironically, the company who makes this bag is "Respect." Personally, if I were making a bag like this, I'd name it "Mistrust" or "Highly Suspicious."
Maybe they should move towards see through clothes, so kids can't hide drugs or weapons in their pockets. Ha ha! That would be sweet! It's so fun to think about being subversive in high school because the only punishment you canreally get is suspension, or at the worst, expulsion. That's nothing compared to real life! On the OC Marissa shot and killed a guy, and her school expelled her, and she cried. I mean really, sister, what did you think they were going to do?
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your text twist link is jacked up :)
At 3:27 AM,
Alli said…
Thanks. I suck at html.
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