Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Friday, September 19, 2003

I really think I should lay off on the espresso...

So I went into the Starbucks right down the block from Mt. Zion this morning and ordered my grande nonfat extra-hot latte (N, X-H, L). The barista, upon hearing this, turned and said "Hey, girl! Are you feeling better?" I couple of days ago I was sick and couldn't go see his band play. I said yes, thanks, and I got out my wallet to pay. The cashier said, "Ooh, cute purse!" and this caught the attention of another barista, who said, "Where's the bag, Ms. Smith?" She was referring to my new bag, the cutest bag in the world, which she had ogled a few days ago. Barista 2 told Cashier "she has the cutest bag." Cashier replied, "I know, I love it! I love corduroy." Barista 2 said, "No, not this bag, her other one! The Dibbly and Bouk one or whatever." The cashier was confused. And then I realized, what kind of world do I live in where the baristas know my last name, catalog the bags I carry, and remember when I've been sick? My roommate Kelly didn't even know my last name until last week!