Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I feed my sense of self-importance sometimes with random seizures of authority. I'm not sure why, but having a job to do and doing it makes me feel like a better person. A pretty American way to feel, I think. :o) This past weekend I was the RIDE LEADER for the Velo Girls' 30 miler. Woo hoo. I was thinking about this, and I asked myself, why did I volunteer? Considering how lazy I often am, why would I want to commit to this ride ahead of time, and assume responsibility for the safety and whereabouts of other riders? Well, I get a point on my membership for one. A point! And a cookie and a pat on the head. (Just kidding about the last two.)

Do any of you know what I mean about this? Just being in charge gives me some sicko high. And not even really the active part of being in charge-- just the part where I tell myself, "Okay! Yeah! I'm a RIDE LEADER."


My favorite people in the whole world are confusing, complex, and dynamic... people who have a lot going on inside. But I realized yesterday, I have to like boring people, too. I think the world would cease to function if "normal" people didn't stagnate. I don't like them for who they are in and of themselves, though.


I have a favorite saying. It goes, "When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME." It's so true... you can never know what another person is thinking (or almost never... depends on the person) so don't even bother speculating. Of course, I am scenario girl, so taking my own advice is something I have to work hard at.


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