I'm in love with my life! I'm perfect. There's nothing about my life I would change!
Barf, right? For the record, I did not and do not say these things. My roommate did, though. Honestly. She's the kind of person who has probably read about fifteen self-help books, and has convinced herself that she is the most amazing creature on Earth and that men should fall at hear feet. I'm sure the insecure ones do, too.
So, this morning she's making herself tea to take back to bed on a little breakfast-in-bed tray she has. (Again, barf.) We talk about her tea, which is English Breakfast, and I kind of muse, "Wouldn't you rather be in London right now, than getting ready for work? Maybe staying in someone's flat, having tea and crumpets..." Only I don't finish the word crumpets because she interrupts.
"No!" she says, very serious. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere but where I am right here, right now. I love my life and my apartment! It's a beautiful day outside. I wouldn't want to change a thing!" I looked at her and blinked.
I felt like she was admonishing me for dreaming, or trying to coax me into "loving life." I find this especially insulting, because I am by nature an optimist. In fact, I've often thought (to myself) that life is pretty effing amazing. I wanted to tell her, look, it's one thing to wish you were someone else, and to hate your life. It's quite another to entertain daydreams and aspirations, because 1) they're fun and 2) it helps you reach for better and greater things. Instead, I politely laughed and left to get dressed.
She was too insecure to accept that there may have been better things out there than what she was doing that second... admitting that would make her feel like a failure or something. When she's taking a crap, does she think, "There's nowhere I'd rather be right now than taking this rose-scented crap!"
I'm in love with my life! I'm perfect. There's nothing about my life I would change!
Barf, right? For the record, I did not and do not say these things. My roommate did, though. Honestly. She's the kind of person who has probably read about fifteen self-help books, and has convinced herself that she is the most amazing creature on Earth and that men should fall at hear feet. I'm sure the insecure ones do, too.
So, this morning she's making herself tea to take back to bed on a little breakfast-in-bed tray she has. (Again, barf.) We talk about her tea, which is English Breakfast, and I kind of muse, "Wouldn't you rather be in London right now, than getting ready for work? Maybe staying in someone's flat, having tea and crumpets..." Only I don't finish the word crumpets because she interrupts.
"No!" she says, very serious. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere but where I am right here, right now. I love my life and my apartment! It's a beautiful day outside. I wouldn't want to change a thing!" I looked at her and blinked.
I felt like she was admonishing me for dreaming, or trying to coax me into "loving life." I find this especially insulting, because I am by nature an optimist. In fact, I've often thought (to myself) that life is pretty effing amazing. I wanted to tell her, look, it's one thing to wish you were someone else, and to hate your life. It's quite another to entertain daydreams and aspirations, because 1) they're fun and 2) it helps you reach for better and greater things. Instead, I politely laughed and left to get dressed.
She was too insecure to accept that there may have been better things out there than what she was doing that second... admitting that would make her feel like a failure or something. When she's taking a crap, does she think, "There's nowhere I'd rather be right now than taking this rose-scented crap!"
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