Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Friday, April 02, 2004


Today, a patient came in with orders from Dr. Newman, an oncologist here in SF. One of our doctors, Dr. Miller, chatted a little with the patient about Dr. Newman, and the patient offered his glowing opinion of the same. Dr. Miller said, "You know, Dr. Newman comes from a famous family. His brother is Randy Newman." The patient went "Ohh!" in a way that could only mean he had no idea who Randy Newman was.

So... Alli to the rescue! I googled him while the patient and Dr. Miller were still conversing, and discovered that he is an Oscar-winning songwriter. I volunteered that my favorite song of his was Three Dog Night's "Mama Told Me Not to Come" (the truth... that song is me). The patient's lightbulb went on (Oh, THAT Randy Newman!) and the world was okay.

Then, ten minutes ago, I was googling a random disease, and a page on Ben Folds Five came up. Love love love them! So I followed the link and read the article, and who should Ben Folds claim as his idol as a child but Randy Newman himself. Caraazy. Reminds me of Aviva.


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