Stuff that's too long for my AIM profile

Not self-indulgent in the least.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I've been sitting here for the last few hours scouring iTunes for songs that express exactly how I'm feeling right now. I'd feel really satisfied if I could compile a playlist of no less than nine songs that adequately sum up my current emotional state, so I could avoid having to express my feelings in actual words. Here's what I'd do: I'd make a CD, put my walkman on antiskip, and go drive. Except I don't have my car yet... so I'd thrash around my new living room. I don't know where all this energy is coming from. I'm sorry to start out this way... too intense and erratic. Drama-queenish. I should have made a sandwich. Here, I'll make an open-faced sandwich.

Alabama clouds are amazing. My first thought when I saw them was: Magritte must have lived here. Yes, they're that perfect. I'm talking primo cumulus specimens. The best part was late in the afternoon when the clouds lined up as a team and threw lightning back and forth. It freaked me out at first... lightning isn't something I saw very frequently in California. In fact, the only time in recent memory that lightning did any real damage was when the power went out in the middle of watching "The Passion of the Christ." That was some crazy business. It's a good story, but it's better when Andy tells it, so I'll leave that to him.


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