I've been keeping a running tally in my head of things that are different in Maryland from back home, and whether it's a plus or a minus. I've decided to share this with you, just in case you were thinking of moving out here. (I've added Iraq as a third contender, since I'll be going there eventually, too.)
CA: good Maple Oat Nut Scones
MD: Sucky M.O.N.S. and my iced Americano cup sweats too much
Iraq: not applicable
Edge: CA (and yes, I know what a mons is)
House Pests:
CA: Daddy Longlegs
MD: house centipede (disgusting)
Iraq: camel spider
Edge: CA
CA: really really bad
MD: really bad
Iraq: light, but watch out for insurgents' bombs
Edge: MD
Vegan menu options:
CA: plentiful
MD: excellent
Iraq: the bean and rice burrito MRE
Edge: CA and MD
MD: DC Metro
Iraq: seriously doubt it
Edge: MD
[friends and family]:
CA: about 70% of total
MD: about 15% of total
Iraq: 2
Edge: CA
CA: aaah. Paradise.
MD: sweaty 24/7
Iraq: Would you like a side of melanoma with your heat stroke?
Edge: CA
All in all, Maryland did better than I expected. If I stayed here long enough I might even edge out Cali by shifting the balance of [friends and family] to this side of the equation. But I won't; I'll be gone in 4 years and then I'll have to go through this whole process again.
CA: good Maple Oat Nut Scones
MD: Sucky M.O.N.S. and my iced Americano cup sweats too much
Iraq: not applicable
Edge: CA (and yes, I know what a mons is)
House Pests:
CA: Daddy Longlegs
MD: house centipede (disgusting)
Iraq: camel spider
Edge: CA
CA: really really bad
MD: really bad
Iraq: light, but watch out for insurgents' bombs
Edge: MD
Vegan menu options:
CA: plentiful
MD: excellent
Iraq: the bean and rice burrito MRE
Edge: CA and MD
MD: DC Metro
Iraq: seriously doubt it
Edge: MD
[friends and family]:
CA: about 70% of total
MD: about 15% of total
Iraq: 2
Edge: CA
CA: aaah. Paradise.
MD: sweaty 24/7
Iraq: Would you like a side of melanoma with your heat stroke?
Edge: CA
All in all, Maryland did better than I expected. If I stayed here long enough I might even edge out Cali by shifting the balance of [friends and family] to this side of the equation. But I won't; I'll be gone in 4 years and then I'll have to go through this whole process again.