A whole nother post and a half
I like to think my grammar is decent, and while I'm not the best storyteller in the world, I can pull random SAT words out of my ass in the course of regular conversation (but only if I'm comfortable around you). The one thing I need to change is "a whole nother." As in, "I need to get a whole nother tube of toothpaste; this one has been contaminated." WHERE did I get this expression? It's so wrong. Possible replacements include: another, another whole, etc. Noted.
I think I figured out one of the reasons I'm better friends with guys than girls, in general. It has a lot to do with counseling and dealing with problems. What I have to offer a friend is insight on how other people react and respond to different situations. This is somewhat unique to me, but really all girls have this talent to some extent. Anyway, when a guy comes to me with a problem, I can help him understand how the different people in the situation are probably feeling and what to expect next.
What I lack, and what my guy friends offer me, is a clear picture of what I'm like. I have a hard time seeing myself as others do, so I rely on my friends to give me feedback. My best friends are guys who aren't afraid to do just that. If I screw up, they let me know, which no girl friend I've ever had could do.
What this boils down to is the difference between men and women. Women are good at feeling and empathy and sympathy and pathy in general. We can explain confusing things like why a girl keeps calling or why your friend is mad, because we can imagine what it's like to be that person. Men are great at seeing what's wrong in a situation and telling people how to make it right. I think a lot of girls who have only female friends are kind of like the blind leading the blind; they watch Friends and eat ice cream and agree that my ex must be an asshole because he hasn't called. And even if they think I might have made a mistake, there's no precedent set for how to correct each other's behavior; all we have is agreement. Guys have the self-confidence to tell others what's wrong, and girls have the nurturing instinct. I think that men and women will seek each other out as friends as long as they are interested in understanding relationships and knowing the truth; otherwise, they'll stick to their own sex for advice.
I think I figured out one of the reasons I'm better friends with guys than girls, in general. It has a lot to do with counseling and dealing with problems. What I have to offer a friend is insight on how other people react and respond to different situations. This is somewhat unique to me, but really all girls have this talent to some extent. Anyway, when a guy comes to me with a problem, I can help him understand how the different people in the situation are probably feeling and what to expect next.
What I lack, and what my guy friends offer me, is a clear picture of what I'm like. I have a hard time seeing myself as others do, so I rely on my friends to give me feedback. My best friends are guys who aren't afraid to do just that. If I screw up, they let me know, which no girl friend I've ever had could do.
What this boils down to is the difference between men and women. Women are good at feeling and empathy and sympathy and pathy in general. We can explain confusing things like why a girl keeps calling or why your friend is mad, because we can imagine what it's like to be that person. Men are great at seeing what's wrong in a situation and telling people how to make it right. I think a lot of girls who have only female friends are kind of like the blind leading the blind; they watch Friends and eat ice cream and agree that my ex must be an asshole because he hasn't called. And even if they think I might have made a mistake, there's no precedent set for how to correct each other's behavior; all we have is agreement. Guys have the self-confidence to tell others what's wrong, and girls have the nurturing instinct. I think that men and women will seek each other out as friends as long as they are interested in understanding relationships and knowing the truth; otherwise, they'll stick to their own sex for advice.